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International Women’s Day 2020

House17 17 Rue du Nord, Luxembourg

Women Entrepreneurs Celebrating IWD2020 #eachforequal This is an exclusive opportunity for only 12 women entrepreneurs. Who exactly is the perfect fit for this session? Your profile: are you either just starting up a business, in the beginning of "cracking your idea", suffer from being stuck as an employee and feel like you'll explode if you… Read More »International Women’s Day 2020


IT Ladies Night

Alvisse Parc Hotel 120 Route d'Echternach, Luxembourg

A premiere in Luxembourg: IT Ladies Night As Luxembourg Ambassador for the Women's Entrepreneurship Day Organization, I am excited to be partnering with IT Ladies Night. On December 17 th, 2019, IT One will organize the first ever IT Ladies Night, an evening dedicated to celebrating the contribution of women to the IT Sector, highlighting… Read More »IT Ladies Night
