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Alicja Jimenez

I attended an Intentional Living Mastermind for four consecutive weeks. Already after the first session I was able to pinpoint some strong points that made me realize what an impact intentional living can have. Every following week brought new memorable exchanges and I can confidently say, that since I implemented some of the tools we learned I use my time wisely and get much better results getting things done. I love Annica’s approach; it’s simple, fun and on point. I would recommend this program to everyone for business as much as for personal growth.

Nutritional Expert

I now feel confident I can be everything I want to be!

After a session with Annica, I feel freedom, wind in the hair, the desire to drive fast with open windows on a large straight road, light in my mind, confident I can be everything I want to be. Annica has given me wings (call it tools) and removed the dust from my weakened soul. I am strong again. I can fly!

Annica’s energy and competence is incredibly inspiring. I find in her a powerful engine that can change the self-esteem in everyone. Annica shares tools and techniques in a very personal and experienced way. And this is greatly appreciated! Annica is a great, generous, fascinating and talented person. Her emotional presence is very contagious! I am incredibly changed from her workshops. A new door is open and I am so curious to look at the other side.

I am fascinated by Annica’s personal story and her strength to share it. She is a powerful source of inspiration.

Milena Takeva

Ulla Schröttle

It was a great pleasure and privilege to be part of Annica’s Mastermind group on Intentional Living. Advent was the perfect time to stop for a moment and be mindful.

Annica managed to create an atmosphere of mutual trust and openness. Under her guidance a number of perfect strangers became a supportive team of friends, going from strength to strength.

Thanks to Annica the participants received a number of useful tools to practice intentional living every single day. A truly inspiring and enriching experience!

Decluttering and Organizing Coach

Magdalena Ankarcrona

Jag hade förmånen att coachas av Annica Törneryd under fem veckor (en gång per vecka) via telefon. Jag kände efter varje samtal att mina mål för mitt företag blev tydligare och lättare att “ta på”. Annica har en stark intuition och förmåga att ställa rätt frågor vid rätt tillfälle, vilket innebar att man var tvungen att tänka till både en och två gånger. Det var både utmanande och utvecklande på samma gång. Trots att vi ej har träffats i verkligheten så kände jag ett starkt förtroende för Annica omedelbart.  Jag upplevde att vi hade ett mycket gott samarbete. Jag kan varmt rekommendera Annica!


Carrie Aulenbacher

Annica was a great sounding board while being extremely patient and gentle with me. She pointed out details of my inner dialogue that I’d missed. I appreciate that she isn’t afraid of speaking directly to the heart of the matter.  Her tone and approach resonated with me – as if I were getting to sit and talk with the angel on my shoulder that’s always wishing I would listen! I really recommend her to anyone who needs time with someone when they know they are at a crossroads and need guidance.  She gave insight right down to her last words with me and it was priceless.


Lena Bengtsson

I’m so grateful and amazed over the transformation I have experienced during my coaching with Annica Törneryd at ACT2exceed. I’m a wellness therapist, trained in meditation and mindfulness, certified in healing and have years of experience in stress management and nutrition.

When I suffered a burnout, my immediate reaction was to start working on myself and deal with it, applying all the tools I have. Ever since I fell ill, I’ve invested myself to fully recover and heal completely. I had come a long way, but couldn’t make it past the last hurdle.

Thanks to Annica’s professional work, where she effectively and in an incredibly visionary way has guided me through exercises and challenges, I finally got the insight in what I needed to do in order to fully recover and be able to enjoy my life!

The gratitude and relief I feel in my “new life” is priceless, it is a true gift. For anyone considering working with Annica, I leave my absolute, in particular best recommendations.

Wellness Therapist