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Working with Annica has been a brilliant experience. Together we laid my strengths and resources free, clearing out limiting beliefs and making a plan on how to use them on a regular basis. We also looked at the areas of development. Why are some things still challenging after so many years of professional experience? I changed my perspective on some tasks which I felt were challenging which took the pressure off me.

We worked on some very concrete business examples which I successfully put into practice. This is one of the qualities I appreciate most in working with Annica. Being concrete, close to the client’s needs, developing a solution together. Annica watched me perform and gave me feedback which was one of the most valuable experiences. We covered a range of subjects from difficult conversations, planning, leadership, to goal setting and sales.

You might ask whether coaching has a long term effect, once the coaching process is closed. I can only answer with a clear yes. While talking to a potential client, I could hear Annica’s voice in my head, as I was tempted to fall back into my old behavior. I adapted my approach immediately and got the deal!

Overall, this coaching experience has been the best I have had. I have learned a lot, not just from a business perspective but also from a human perspective. Annica’s holistic approach, seeing the client as she or he is, non-judgemental, focused on the client’s growth is what makes a great coach.

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